29 research outputs found

    Rational rolling ball blending of natural quadrics

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    We construct a blending surface of two natural quadrics using rational variable rolling ball approach, i.e. as a canal surface with a rational spine curve and a rational radius. All general positions of the given quadric surfaces are considered. The proposed construction is Laguerre invariant. In particular, the blending surface has rational offset of the same degree. Natūralių kvadrikių jungimas racionalaus apriedančio rutuliuko metodu Santrauka Natūralios kvadrikos (sferos, apskritiminiai cilindrai ir kūgiai) dažnai naudojamos geometriniame modeliavime. Šiame darbe siūlomas naujas dvieju natūraliu kvadrikiu glodaus jungimo metodas, naudojant kintamo racionalaus spindulio apriedančio rutuliuko metoda, t.y. jungiamasis paviršius ‐ tai kanalinis paviršius, kuris turi racionalia ašine kreive ir racionalu spinduli. Metodas tinka visiems dvieju kvadrikiu bendru poziciju atvejams. Konstrukcija yra invariantiška Laguerre geometrijos atžvilgiu: pavyzdžiui, jungiamasis paviršius turi to paties laipsnio racionalu ofseta. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Linear precision for toric surface patches

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    We classify the homogeneous polynomials in three variables whose toric polar linear system defines a Cremona transformation. This classification also includes, as a proper subset, the classification of toric surface patches from geometric modeling which have linear precision. Besides the well-known tensor product patches and B\'ezier triangles, we identify a family of toric patches with trapezoidal shape, each of which has linear precision. B\'ezier triangles and tensor product patches are special cases of trapezoidal patches

    Surfaces with polar structure

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    We describe the structure and general properties of surfaces with polar layout. Polar layout is particularly suitable for high valences and is, for example, generated by a new class of subdivision schemes. This note gives an high level view of surfaces with polar structure and does not analyze particular schemes.

    Bicubic polar subdivision

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